
Saturday, May 2, 2020

Tanzania: Stop Politicking COVID-19

TANZANIA, just like most other countries globally, is at the middle of an unprecedented battle against the novel coronavirus disease, termed Covid-19.
According to latest official statistics Covid-19 cases have reached 480, while deaths related to the
respiratory disease currently stand at 16.
Encouragingly, 167 people, about 35 per cent so far have fully recovered. There have been considerable efforts by the government, health stak eholders and other Tanzanians to curb the spread of the fatal disease.
Ill-advisedly, there are some orchestrated distortive campaigns, which not only undermine the country's response to the pandemic but also cause unnecessary panic.
It is very disgusting to learn that some devious politicians and activists are busy trying to capitalize on the contagion to spread falsehoods for the purpose of advancing their own agendas.
These individuals play on emotions, fears, prejudices and ignorance to peddle their agendas, while blindly challenging whatever measures tak en by the government to contain the contagion.
Their inner motives are hardly helping the fight against the pandemic but push their political agendas, self-promote or draw public attention.
Such misguided movements should be strongly condemned as they only create fear among Tanzanians and will only send the country into a state of panic.
We have heard these detractors blaming the government that the official Covid-19 statistics released by relevant authorities are not a true reflection of the number of infections and casualties in the country.
This is a myopic argument by these propagandists, since they are better placed to k now the data crisis during pandemics is a global problem.
Even the most sophisticated systems in the world have failed to produce more accurate Covid-19 statistics.
For instance, UK's coronavirus death toll surged by 3,811 to 26,097 on Wednesday after the government there started counting people who died in care homes or their own houses - but its tally still falls thousands short of the reality.
Estimates based on more accurate statistics suggest the true number of deaths in the UK is in excess of 4 0,000.
Some are continuously demanding that the government impose lock down to curb further spreading of the disease. But has lock down proved effective anywhere in the world? Arguably not.
At least evidences from countries that have implemented lock - downs show that the move isn't worth implementing.
Generally speak ing, we are calling on responsible authorities to do more to ensure that useful information reaches the public.
Adequate supply of truthful information that meets the public demand is crucial to counter the rumours.

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