
Thursday, October 31, 2019

Kenya celebrates first World Cities Day

Nairobi City skyline Nairobi City skyline. FILE PHOTO | NMG 
The international community is today set to reflect on challenges of urbanisation after United Nations General Assembly designated October 31 as World Cities Day.
According to the Nairobi-headquartered United Nations Environmental Programme, this year's theme “innovations and a better life for future generations” will see young people take part in studio debate about what they like or dislike about their cities.
“The Nairobi edition of World Cities Day will be held at McMillan Memorial Library. It will consist of a series of research presentations around Citizen Science, Nairobians Adaptation to Digital Mobility Trends and Socially Just Urbanisation,” said Naipolitans, a group consisting of urban professionals based in Nairobi.
“There will also be a panel discussion around these topics and the World Cities Day Resolution 2019 will be made,” added Naipolitans.
Around the world, discussion is expected to revolve around various efforts to being made to promote equality and access to services in cities.
Cities are seen as the centres for economic growth and wealth creation. Mass access to basic services is key to political stability of a country. It is projected that at least 60 percent of the world population will be living in the cities by 2050.

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