Jotham Gichuhi
Who doesn’t wish their organisation to be read in the CNBC business
news as the newest entrant to the F500 and join the likes of Wayfair and
The motivation for such business growth are as diverse as the size of
the global registry - some to grow and dominate global markets, match
the growth of their significant customers while for others, it’s for a
“feel good effect’’ that their company footprint is finally in the
global space.
Growth in its purest sense goes beyond brick and motor expansion and
could be achieved either through vertical or horizontal integration.
Growth in many cases is meant to insulate an organisation from being
out-spaced from the market by new entrants or the existing
Before making any growth decisions, a few critical but inconspicuous considerations need to be put into perspective;
Innovation and the generational customer
The physical expansion should not stifle innovation and continual
improvement of business processes. The challenge is to fuse secured
reliability without losing dynamism.
The problem to anticipate the needs of the higher spending youth base
should remain a top priority as you focus on retaining the current
customer base as they age.
Organisational culture and ethical values
Social capital in business is a quantification of how people work together decently and how they treat the customers.
Business growth comes with a challenge of harmonising the founder’s
belief system and the culture of the new space resulting from growth.
Corporate culture might be the only differentiator between competitors
and may cost and organisation a fortune once eroded.
It is advisable to subject the decision for expansion to a social
capital lens; mitigation strategies should be thought well in advance.
The mall concept
Every corner of this country has a new mall and space is up for grabs,
especially by banks and big retail shops followed by small players who
hope that the mall will provide increased customer traffic.
It’s always good to remember that; every course has two sides; the sweet one and the side you never want to see.
Suppose for argument sake, one of the big shops closes down like it has
happened to some grand installations in the recent past here in Kenya!
Would your business command the same traction moving forward? If the
case is different, another thought process should be engaged to mitigate
such unforeseen limitations.
Don’t plug your growth to an expansion strategy of another firm you have not interrogated carefully.
Internet vs brick and mortar
Both platforms have their pros & cons and are also dependent on the
nature of business. Cost-benefit for each option should be investigated
before deciding on the way to go.
A blend of the two is desirable to present balanced organisational responsiveness to customer satisfaction.
Remember, a business has to show up in every single moment like it’s
meant to be there, but it’s advisable to conquer each market at a time
so that lessons learned in one environment becomes an input for the next
The writer is a professional in leadership and risk management strategies
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