Wayne Lotter, a renowned South African conservationist, has been
awarded a posthumous 2018 Global Ranger Award by International Ranger
Federation (IRF).
The anti-poaching activist was shot dead aged 51 in Tanzania last year.
has won the IRF Lifetime Achievement Award for his efforts to stop the
poaching of elephants and trafficking of its ivory in Tanzania and
Lotter was a director and co-founder of the
PAMS Foundation, an NGO that provides conservation and anti-poaching
support to communities and governments in Africa.
For his work, he had received opposition and death threats since he set up PAMS in 2009.
Foundation finances Tanzania’s elite anti-poaching National and
Transnational Serious Crimes Investigation Unit (NTSCIU), which was
responsible for arrests of major ivory traffickers including Yang Feng
Glan known as the ‘Queen of Ivory’ and several other notorious elephant
NTSCIU has arrested more than 2,000 poachers and ivory traffickers and has a conviction rate of 80 per cent since 2012.
Lotter believed the unit’s work had helped to reduce poaching rates in Tanzania by at least 50 per cent.
He attributed PAMS’ success to the work of the communities and agencies they worked with.
threats to Africa’s elephants range from habitat loss, human
encroachment and farming, climate change and militarised poaching.
who was born in Johannesburg, began his wildlife conservation career as
a ranger in South Africa. He rose through the ranks to become a leading
conservationist and served on the boards of several conservation
groups. He was also the vice president of the International Ranger
The prestigious annual Global Ranger
Awards recognise the passion shown by rangers and frontline
conservationists who have dedicated their lives to the protection of the
The awards “highlight rangers’ passion and
dedication for conservation and represent the heart and hard work of
rangers who give so much of themselves to conserve the world’s wildlife
and wild places,” said IRF president, and founder of The Thin Green Line
Foundation, Sean Willmore.
Commenting on Lotter’s win the IRF said that he was: “Such a deserving recipient of this award. Wayne’s fight lives on.”
A court in Tanzania in February 2018, charged eight people with the murder and conspiracy to murder Lotter.
He left behind his wife Inge, daughters Cara Jayne and Tamsin, and parents Vera and Charles Lotter.
winners are Tatiana Espinosa Quiñones of Peru who will receive the 2018
Dr Jane Goodall Hope and Inspiration Ranger Award; and Dode Heim Myline
Houehounha of Benin and Remmy Papae of Solomon Islands who are the
joint winners of The International Young Conservationist Award.
three winners along with a PAMS Foundation representative will accept
their awards during a ceremony at the 9th World Ranger Congress to be
held on November 11 to 17 in Sauhara, Nepal.
congress brings together rangers from around the world for an
opportunity to share knowledge, learn new skills and create
partnerships. It is held every three years in different countries.
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