
Monday, April 30, 2018

Education budget up by 5pc to 1.4 trillion

THE government yesterday unveiled a 1.4tri/- budget proposal, focusing on transforming the human capital towards improving the economy and moving to the middle income nation.

Education, one of the government’s priority areas, is promised 1.406tri/- in the 2018/19 fiscal year, about five per cent higher than the current 1.337tri/- budget.
Education, Science, Technology and Vocational Training Minister, Prof Joyce Ndalichako, presenting the ministry’s budget plan in the National Assembly here, said 929.969bn/-, about 70 per cent of the entire budget is for development projects.
The ministry envisages constructing seven regional secondary schools, renovate the old schools, construct vocational education and training centres, strengthen information and communication technology systems, increase school enrollment and provide incentives to best performing schools and teachers.
“We are allocating 618.969bn/- from own sources to fund all development projects...we expect 311bn/- from development partners to help finance the projects,” she told the lawmakers.
Additionally, the ministry has set aside 476.5bn/- for itself and 383.8bn/- for its institutions, covering recurrent expenditures and wages. Prof Ndalichako requested the august house to approve an additional 666.8m/- for the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
The minister, elaborating on secondary education quality improvement programme, said the ministry has allocated 21bn/- to finance construction of new regional schools in Geita, Njombe, Lindi, Singida, Katavi, Ruvuma and Manyara. “We have also resolved to invest in water and toilet infrastructure facilities in 500 primary schools across the country...we consider spending at least 17bn/- for the purpose next financial year,” she noted.
Prof Ndalichako said the government had also secured funds from China to finance construction of VETA centre in Kagera region. She noted that the ministry plans to complete construction of VETA centre in Njombe and start new projects in Simiyu, Geita and Rukwa.
The projects, according to the minister, will be implemented alongside construction of six teachers’ colleges in Dakawa, Mpwapwa, Kleruu, Marangu, Tabora and Butimba, with 5.45bn/- already allocated.
Prof Ndalichako said the ministry considers adjusting the number of enrollment for new students joining its colleges especially those majoring in science courses.
Meanwhile, the government said it intends to offer 427bn/- in loan to new and continuing students of higher education, under the Higher Education Students’ Loans Board (HESLB), with over 40,000 new students benefiting. “We will this year complete full automation and integration of systems for evaluation, payment and repayment of students loans,” she said.
The Parliamentary Community Service Committee Chairman, Mr Peter Serukamba, tabling the committee’s recommendations, said the loans board should consider the best performance among students as the prime criteria to receive the government education support.
The committee also suggested a separate vote for HESLB from the current arrangement to ensure that the allocation for development projects is reflected in the budget.

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