
Monday, April 30, 2018

All promised road work will be done

From NELLY MTEMA in Dodoma
THE Minister for State in the President’s Office Regional Administration and Local Government, Mr Selemani Jafo, said all roads promised by President John Magufuli during his 2015 campaign are well coordinated.

Mr Jafo told Parliament here yesterday that the pledges on road construction are coordinated and will be worked on. “There is a good number of promises given during the 2015 Presidential campaign.
We are working on them. Just stay focused and wait for your turn,” he said. He gave the sentiment when responding to a supplementary question by James Mbatia (NCCR- Mageuzi-Vunjo) on when the President’s pledges in road projects in Himo will be fulfilled.
Meanwhile, The government has set aside 446m/- for the maintenance of Majimoto-Lyonga road that passes through Katavi National Reserve, Deputy Minister for Works, Transport and Communication, Elias Kwandikwa, told the Parliament yesterday.
He said the amount which will be disbursed in the 2018/19 financial year, will help renovate the road to ensure it is passable throughout the year especially in areas that need special focus.
Kwandikwa was responding to a question asked by the Pudenciana Kikwembe (Kavuu-CCM) who had wanted to know when the road would be repaired since the people in the areas have been facing transport hardship thus failing to undertake their duties diligently.
She also had wanted to know when the newly constructed bridge at Kavuu would be open for use.
“The road is not passable now and people are suffering. When will it be repaired and when shall we start using the bridge?” she asked.
But the deputy minister responded that the construction of the bridge was completed in August 2017 and vehicles are allowed to pass there, adding that only vehicles weighing up to 30 tonnes are allowed to use the compact bridge.
He said the 135 kilometres Majimoto-Inyonga road is passable except for some four kilometres that are not in good condition, especially during the rainy season. “The contractor is just waiting for the rains to stop for him to complete the remaining section” said Kwandikwa.
Meanwhile the government has allocated 200m/- for feasibility study on the construction

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