TWO days after Singida North MP Lazaro Nyalandu ditched the ruling party, National Assembly Speaker yesterday announced receipt of a letter from CCM on disciplinary measures against the lawmaker.
The Speaker, Mr Job Ndugai, said in a
statement that Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) Secretary General Abdulrahman
Kinana had written him the October 30, 2017 dated letter, stating
clearly that the party had started instituting disciplinary measures
against Nyalandu for his misconducts.
The letter reportedly informed the
Office of the Speaker that with effect from the letter’s date, Mr
Nyalandu lost all the qualities and qualifications of its bonafide
Having lost the qualities as CCM member,
Mr Nyalandu automatically ceased to represent Singida North residents
in parliament. He also lost all other positions he was holding in the
ruling party.
According to Article 13 of CCM
Constitution, a person ceases to hold all positions he occupies if the
party strips him of membership for any reason.
The letter reportedly said further that
the party had started instituting disciplinary measures against the
former Minister for Natural Resources and Tourism for his reckless deeds
and utterances that were totally against the party values, philosophy
and ideology.
“The speaker would like to inform the
public that having received the letter from the authority within CCM,
the party to which Mr Nyalandu belonged and on whose ticket he was
elected as Singida North MP, I hereby declare that he is no longer the
Member of Parliament,” Mr Ndugai said.
Article 71 ( 1) ( e) of the country’s
Constitution states that the Member of Parliament shall vacate his seat
in the National Assembly if he loses membership to the party to which he
belonged when elected or appointed to the legislative house.
Mr Ndugai said other procedures to
notify the National Electoral Commission on the vacant post were already
underway. Though Mr Nyalandu quit CCM on Monday, the Speaker said he
had not received his resignation letter by the time the CCM
correspondence landed on his table.
But, Mr Nyalandu claims to have quit CCM
due to the party’s failure to supervise the government and human rights
violations. He also accused the executive of meddling in the affairs of
other government pillars--judiciary and legislature
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