Any upwardly mobile career-minded individual needs to master the
art of negotiations in professional life. Last week in Business Talk,
we delved into different conflict negotiating positions and how to
follow the Japanese model for negotiations to ensure more beneficial
Now, please utilise the below assessment
adapted by authors Robert Lussier and Christopher Achua to take a deep
look at your own negotiating abilities and shine a torch on your
strengths and deficiencies.
Rate yourself a 1, 2, 3,
4, or 5 on the following 16 statements with 1) meaning that the
statement does not describe you at all, 2) describes you slightly, 3)
describes you moderately, 4) describes you a reasonable amount, and 5)
describes you a great deal.
First, please start by
answering the following six questions about what you do before you start
the actual negotiate on the 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 scale. If possible, you
find out about the person you will negotiate with to determine what they
want and will be willing to give up. You set objectives.
planning your negotiating presentation, you focus on how the other
party will benefit. You have a target price you want to pay, a lowest
price you will pay, and an opening offer. You think through options and
tradeoffs in case you don’t get your target price. You think of the
questions and objections the other party might have, and you prepare
Next, please answer the following 10
statements the actual negotiation on the 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 scale. At the
beginning of negotiations, you develop rapport and read the person. You
let the other party make the first offer. You listen to what the other
parties are saying and focus on helping them get what they want, rather
than focusing only on what you want. You do not give in too quickly to
others’ offers.
When you compromise and give up
something, you ask for something in return. If the other party tries to
postpone the negotiation, you try to create urgency and tell them what
they might lose.
If you want to postpone negotiation, you do not let the other
party pressure you into making a decision. When you make a deal, you do
not second-guess, wonder whether you got the best price, and check
prices. If you cannot make an agreement, you ask for advice to help you
with future negotiations. During the entire business negotiating
process, you try to develop a relationship, not just a one-time deal.
please total up your score for each of the 16 statements. Your combined
total will range between 16 on the low side and 80 on the high side. If
your total falls between 65 and 80, then congratulations!
thrive as an outstanding negotiator and should consider leading
specialised coaching, training, and negotiating in your career to
capitalise on your ability. If your total lands between 50 and 65, you
hold moderate negotiating skills and you need to improve on certain
aspects where you rated yourself less than a 3 on individual statements.
If your total falls below 50, then you desperately need to improve your
negotiating abilities and should only negotiate for the time being with
another member of your team who scores higher on your side.
you scored yourself lower on any individual statement or groups of
statements, then actively strive to incorporate that action into your
negotiation behaviour. Next week, Business Talk will detail how women
can strengthen their negotiating abilities to match or exceed the skills
held by men.
Dr Scott may be reached on: or on Twitter: @ScottProfessor
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