- Job satisfaction exists as an attitude that encompasses the collection of feelings and beliefs that workers hold about their employment.
- Many facets of one’s job go into opinions of job satisfaction including the job description duties, colleagues, managers, pay, working hours, etc.
- Organisational justice entails the degree to which employees feel fairly treated in their workplaces across outcomes, procedures and interactions.
- Human brains are naturally wired as highly sensitive to fairness.
Companies desire to maximise shareholder wealth. To achieve
wealth maximisation, firms need to grow, innovate, retain more of their
customers and enter new markets. A salient key to entities achieving
their lofty goals entails their employees’ job satisfaction.
satisfaction exists as an attitude that encompasses the collection of
feelings and beliefs that workers hold about their employment. Many
facets of one’s job go into opinions of job satisfaction including the
job description duties, colleagues, managers, pay, working hours, etc.
many negative aspects converge and generate employment dissatisfaction,
then organisations see markedly increased employee disloyalty,
turnover, more accidents, more sick days taken, tardiness, and less
cooperation. The cacophony of negative outputs from low collective job
satisfaction causes lower profits and, in turn, reduced shareholder
wealth as outcomes.
So managers should ask themselves
what key drivers cause employee job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. A
major cause for employee attitudes generates from a concept that
researchers call organisational justice.
justice entails the degree to which employees feel fairly treated in
their workplaces across outcomes, procedures and interactions. Human
brains are naturally wired as highly sensitive to fairness.
a parent gives one of their children three cookies and the other child
only two cookies, the slighted child, even from a very early age, will
raise immediate objection to the unfair allocation.
the deep-rooted psychological concept of fairness underpins employee
attitudes that in turn impact their behaviour that could harm or help
the firm. Social scientists Russell Cropanzano, David Bowen, and Stephen
Gilliland highlight three main areas of organisational justice as
distributive justice, procedural justice, and interactional justice.
Distributive justice involves the appropriateness of outcomes
while procedural justice entails the appropriateness of the allocation
process. The third area, interactional justice, receives less attention
and involves the appropriateness of the interaction and treatment that
employees receive from authority figures within the company.
justice comprises two sub-components of interpersonal justice in
treating an employee with respect, dignity and courtesy while
informational justice involves sharing relevant information with
employees and not hiding it.
Researchers Sania Usmani
and Siraj Jamal detail the following interpersonal justice scale. Please
answer the following four (4) statements to ascertain the level of
interpersonal justice that you feel in your current position. Upon
reading each statement, rate your perception as you either 1) strongly
disagree, 2) disagree, 3) neither agree nor disagree, 4) agree, or 5)
strongly agree.
When decisions are made about your job,
your manager is sensitive to your personal needs. When decisions are
made about your job, your manager treats you with respect and dignity.
When decisions are made about your job, your manager shows concern for
your rights as an employee. When decisions are made about your job, your
manager treats you with kindness and consideration.
please total up your ratings for each of the statements and then divide
by four (4). If your average score exceeds four, then you enjoy an
excellent fair interpersonal relationship with your manager. If your
average fell between three and four, then you subside in a mediocre work
If, on the other hand, you scored your
average as less than three, you work in an outright unfair workplace
with regards to your manager and if your score fell under two, the
unhealthy situation at your job warrants an internal job transfer or a
new job entirely outside your present firm.
must remember that “how” they accomplish a task with subordinates is as
important as completing the task itself. A manager who takes
Interpersonally fair actions across his or her work enhances job
satisfaction that increases shareholder wealth.
Dr Scott may be reached on or on Twitter: @ScottProfessor
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