
Tuesday, May 2, 2017

47pc of Kenyans happy with quality of their lives

Over half of Kenyans at 69 per cent are happy with the education quality. file photo | nmg Over half of Kenyans at 69 per cent are happy with the education quality. file photo | nmg 
Nearly half of Kenyans are satisfied with the quality of their lives, a new study by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) says.
The Human Development Report 2016, which was released in Nairobi by the UNDP on Tuesday, says that 47 per cent of Kenyans are happy with their standard of living.
The UNDP’s supplementary indicators measure perceptions of well-being. As such the report’s findings reflect individuals’ perceptions of relevant dimensions of human development including education quality, health care quality, standard of living and the labour market.
Other indicators captured by the report include personal safety and overall satisfaction with freedom of choice and life.
Indicators reflecting perceptions about community and government are also contained in the report.
According to the study, more than a half of Kenyans at 63 per cent are working in their dream jobs.
The survey also shows that over half of Kenyans, at 54 per cent, say they feel safe while 76 per cent of females feel they enjoy freedom of choice compared to 82 per cent of their male counterparts.
It shows that 66 per cent of Kenyans have confidence in the judiciary while 75 per cent have trust in the national government.
Over half of Kenyans at 69 per cent are happy with the education quality while 56 per cent of Kenyans vouch for the country’s health care quality.
The report puts Kenyans’ overall life satisfaction, index at 4.4 where 0 represents “least satisfied” and 10, the “most satisfied.”

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