
Sunday, April 30, 2017

JPM defends anti-evil crusade

PRESIDENT John Magufuli shares a book singing with Head of Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) Archbishop Fredrick Shoo during the Sunday mass at Moshi Town Diocese in Kilimanjaro region yesterday.(Photos by State House)
  • Declares his God-fearing spirit
  • Church leaders promise sustained prayers
PRESIDENT John Magufuli yesterday defended his bold measures to clean the country, saying the initiatives are inevitable in the country that had reached an alarming rate of deceit.

Speaking to the congregations at two church services here yesterday, Dr Magufuli said he was acting to ensure the nation goes to the right truck. “What we do (in fighting evils) aims at straightening the country to facilitate fast, real economic development.
I want you to believe that I’m doing this on your behalf, the presidency is yours…I am trying to act in the will of God…as the country, we had reached a terrible point, we were heading to a disastrous end,” said the president.
He spoke during Sunday services at the Roman Catholic Church – Christ the King Cathedral and later at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania (ELCT) – Moshi Diocese, where he attended mass services. Dr Magufuli said the bold measures are being taken in the interest of majority Tanzanians whose prayers before God he asked to accomplish the assignment.
“May be the country was waiting for somebody like Magufuli to cleanse it,” he said. The president said some people might be looking at him with a different eye but assured that “I hate wickedness and I am a Godfearing person...that is why I am strict and take action against evil doers, especially the corrupt, deceitful, thieves, drug dealers and persecutors of the less privileged in the society.
This is why I ask you to pray for me to perform this Godly work on your behalf, well.
All the government is doing is because it has your interest at heart,” he said, condemning the presence of ghost and unqualified workers in the government. “Imagine having 19,700 wanton workers receiving salaries and all other benefits while people are suffering due to lack of jobs, and others receive meagre salaries due to limited resources...I am determined to continue this battle in the God fearing spirit,” said the Head of State.
Dr Magufuli censured some people whom he accused of overpaying themselves huge salaries of up to 40m/- per month while others earned 200,000/- with difficulties. Yet, the highly paid keep on increasing the salaries, he charged, hinting that he has slashed the unjustifiably high salaries.
He noted with concern the fact that other government officers used to go for meeting in Europe as if there is no meeting venues in the country. “At the port, you could find over 60 ships using the facility without paying a single cent.
The government was denied its due revenues as a result, with the income benefiting just few individuals,” he charged. Dr Magufuli thanked the worshipers for their support and prayers before, during and after the 2015 General Elections, promising never to let Tanzanians down.
Responding to a request by ELCT Head Bishop Fredrick Shoo, President Magufuli promised to review taxes on goods meant for social service delivery in education and health. He concurred that it was improper to subject an xray machine, for instance, to taxes.
Bishop Shoo had earlier decried the taxing of religious institutions that deliver social services to the public and asked the president to intervene.
Dr Shoo promised more prayers for the president to ask God to guide him on his resilience and brevity at work, thanking him for his strictness in fighting evils that impede national development.
The ELCT–Northern Diocese Bishop Shoo prayed for President Magufuli to get good advisors, not hypocrites and selfish individuals. He asked Tanzanians to appreciate the good work that the fifth phase government has done within a short period.
President Magufuli, said Bishop Shoo, is not an angel and there will always be some shortfalls. He therefore asked the president to listen to advices, saying the church and other stakeholders were ready to advise. Dr Magufuli asked the Bishop to write any concerns they could have and submit them to his office for action.
At Christ the King Cathedral, where Moshi Catholic Bishop Isaac Amani presided over the mass, President Magufuli donated 100 bags of cement to help construction activities and 1m/- for the choir.
The Minister of State in Prime Minister’s Office, Ms Jenister Mhagama and Kilimanjaro Regional Commissioner Saidi Meck Sadiki offered 50 bags each. At KKKT, the president and the leaders offered 150 bags of cement and 1m/- for the choir.

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