MOTORISTS will now have to pay more for fuel after regulator raised prices for petrol and diesel due to depreciation of the Shilling and increasing global oil prices.
The Energy and Water Utilities
Regulatory Authority (EWURA) announced Tuesday that retail and whole
prices for petrol and diesel have gone up for March, this year by 5.18
per cent and 2.76 per cent respectively. Retail prices for petrol and
diesel have increased by 102/- per litre and 51/- per litre
Compared to last month prices, whole
sale for petrol and diesel have increased by 101.54/- per litre or 5.49
percent and 51.44 per litre or 2.93 percent respectively. However,
kerosene price has not changed because there was no new consignment
imported during February.
Petrol will be sold at 2,060/- per
litre, diesel at 1,913/- and kerosene at 1,852/- in Dar es Salaam. The
highest prices for fuel will be in Misenyi District, Kagera Region at an
indicative price of 2283/- per litre, diesel at 2136/- per litre and
kerosene at 2,075 per litre. The energy regulator said the reason behind
the rise was rising global oil prices and depreciation of the shilling
against the US dollars.
Commenting, economists said the
government can take measures to ease the burden on motorists and other
users by waving some duties that inflate fuel prices. University of Dar
es Salaam Senior Lecturer, Prof Haji Semboja said transporters would
most likely increase fares so as to compensate the extra money they pay
in refuelling their vehicles.
He said the government could decide to
carry the burden on behalf of ‘wananchi’ by cutting down some duties and
regulate the increase of prices in various commodities and services.
“We have seen the government regulating electric prices, it can do the
same thing to ensure Tanzanians are not affected by the increase of fuel
prices,” he said.
He added: “ there will be an increase
and changes but it could be controlled through government measures,” He
said the government could adjust the transport fares and other cost by
using its regulatory bodies such as Surface and Marine Transport
Regulatory Authority (SUMATRA) so that ordinary wananchi could not feel
the pinch.
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