
Thursday, November 3, 2016

TMF, TSN sign pact on data journalism

THE Tanzania Media Foundation (TMF) has entered into agreement with Tanzania Standard (Newspapers) Limited (TSN) to build skills and capacity for journalists, editors and sub-editors on data journalism.

Speaking shortly after signing the agreement, TMF Executive Director Ernest Sungura said the foundation will build capacity for journalists, editors and subeditors at TSN on the correct use of data.
The training will last for three months and will cost 7.5m/-. “We have signed agreement with TSN which will allow us assist them through training journalists, editors and sub-editors on the correct use of data and its representation to enable the public understand the data easily,” he explained.
Mr Sungura said the agreement also includes ensuring journalists conduct in-depth research on news reports from different parts of the country and publish them so they can bring desired change.
He said the agreement on the training which ends in January 2017, will be centered on three areas; local government, environment and issues that will come up in the Controller and Auditor General’s (CAG) report.
Apart from the training, Mr Sungura said it will also be an opportunity to go through the new law on statistics which require journalists to publish correct data. The agreement was signed in Dar es Salaam yesterday between TSN Managing Editor Dr Jim Yonazi and the TMF executive director. TSN’s Head of Research, Innovation and Documentation, Ms Ichikael Maro, said the agreement will increase efficiency among journalists at TSN while adhering to work ethics.
She pointed out that journalists would be assigned special areas to cover in the three areas outlined and would be published in the state owned newspapers.
“We want to write stories that will capture the attention of the reader as well as allowing respective authorities in the government to take action,” she explained, adding that the training will involve six people, three from each newspaper.
Tanzania Media Foundation (TMF), formerly Tanzania Media Fund, stands for an independent, quality, diverse and vibrant media in Tanzania by enabling investigative and public interest journalism and facilitating critical reflection and learning.

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