
Wednesday, November 30, 2016

The changing face of Dar es Salaam

Kigamboni Bridge in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. PHOTO| FILE
Towering above the Kigamboni creek is a cable-stayed bridge spanning 680 metres, described as East Africa’s longest, linking the city with the southern municipality of Kigamboni and Mbagala surburbs and environs. PHOTO | FILE 
By Peter Muthamia
In Summary
  • City upgrade: Now that almost 50 per cent of the project is done, the Dart system, Kigamboni Bridge, reconstruction and expansion of major city roads, and the changing skyline have transformed the city’s environmental aesthetics. Unesco says that Dar is the second fastest growing city in Africa.
When the rebuilding of Dar es Salaam’s transport infrastructure began about a decade ago, city residents could not understand why the Morogoro dual carriageway was being demolished when the works started.
They could also not fathom the far-reaching implications the proposed new mode of transport — the so-called BRT system dubbed Dar es Salaam Rapid Transport or Dart system — would have on their lives or change the city’s look.
As the construction works began, the endless dust was unbearable to motorists, pedestrians and residents who lived along the affected roads, as heavy earth moving equipment dug, scrapped and compacted, and trucks carted away the debris.
Traffic snarl-ups became the order of the day for residents of the sprawling Kimara, Mbezi Mwisho, Kibamba and other suburbs through which Morogoro and Kawawa roads passed. The newly built foot bridges and commuter bus stop shelters erected along the way were not enough to placate the suffering residents.
Commuters spent hours stuck in traffic in the stifling Dar es Salaam heat from dawn till late into the night, quietly wondering whether the project was worth the trouble.
Although it was said that the rapid bus transit system would ease transport to and from the central business district, it seemed unlikely then in the eyes of commuters, motorists, pedestrians and the people living along Kawawa and Morogoro roads, that this would ever come to pass.
Now that almost 50 per cent of the project is done, the Dart system, Kigamboni Bridge, reconstruction and expansion of major city roads, and the changing skyline have transformed the city’s environmental aesthetics. Indeed, Unesco says that Dar es Salaam is the second fastest growing city in Africa after Bamako in Mali.
Today, the long blue Dart commuter buses snake their way in and out of the CBD on designated lanes, next to daladalas (privately-owned public transport vehicles) from Kimara and Kinondoni suburbs, picking passengers at specially built up bus stops.
Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit buses are providing transport for the city’s five million people. PHOTO | EMMANUEL HERMAN

Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit buses are providing transport for the city’s five million people. PHOTO | EMMANUEL HERMAN
Even the formerly drab districts of the city such as Magomeni, Ubungo and the Jangwani stretch have been transformed by new roads and buildings. The areas are orderly and beautiful from the new greenery planted along the roadside. Many would-be commuters see no need to drive into the CBD as many services are now easily available since the new roads have opened up the areas for commerce.
Massive convenience
The Dart system has changed the city in such a way that if you are a photography enthusiast, it is quite a joy to capture the beauty of the rebuilt and gentrified districts with a modern skyline; of traffic as it snakes towards Magogoni Ferry or even Kariakoo, which was once a cacophony of daladalas, shoppers, bodabodas (motorcycle taxis) and tuk tuks (three-wheeler taxis).
The Dart system has significantly reduced commuting hours into and out of the city, time that can be used for productive economic activities, but was not so long ago wasted in endless traffic snarl-ups.
Statistics by Dart estimate that almost half a million empty seats drove to and from the CBD (by single occupier vehicles) causing serious traffic snarl-ups. Today, just months since the launch of Dart system, there is less traffic congestion meaning more commuters are opting to use Dart buses although no figures are available yet.
It is expected that after the completion of the second phase, the Dart system will significantly mitigate traffic jams. Dar es Salaam residents agree that the system has brought massive convenience.

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