
Thursday, September 1, 2016

National Housing kicks out Club Bilicanas

NATIONAL Housing Corporation (NHC) is evicting Club Bilicanas out of its building at the junction of Mkwepu and Makunganya Streets this morning.
The Fosters Auctioneers is implementing the eviction notice after a 30-day notice of vacating the premises or pay the outstanding debt of the rental property expired today.

NHC Debt Recovery Manager Japhet Mwanasenga told ‘Daily News’ the Club is owned by Mbowe Hotels Ltd is among bad debtor after rent bill accumulated to 1.171bn/-.
Mbowe Hotels occupies 1,390.75 square metres or 71.2 per cent of the total building area.
MHL is owned by National Chairman of Chadema, Mr Freeman Mbowe, started occupying the building in 1973 after it was relocated from the then Splendid Hotel at the site of the Ex-telecoms building along Samora Avenue.

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