
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Shein swears in top govt officials

PRESIDENT Dr Ali Mohamed Shein today swore in deputy Principal Secretaries (PS) whom he appointed the day.

A statement from the State House here named those who took oath of office as Mr Hassan Khatib Hassan, deputy principal secretary- Ministry of Labour, Empowerment, Elderly, Youth, Women, and Children who will be in-charge of 'elderly and gender affairs.'
Assistant Commissioner of Prison wardens (ACP) Ms Sida Mohammed Himid was sworn as the new deputy PS for the ministry- State, President's office, Regional Administration, Local Government and Special department.
The appointments are continuation of the formation of the Zanzibar government after the March 20 this year re-run general elections in which Dr Shein's Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) won all the seats while the main opposition- Civic United Front (CUF) boycotted.

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