
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

CUF expels Prof Lipumba, two MPs

Professor Ibrahim Lipumba
THE longest-serving Civic United Front (CUF) Chairman Prof Ibrahim Lipumba, who resigned last year, is among eleven members temporary suspended today from the party for indiscipline.
The ex-chair was expelled along with two Members of Parliament namely Magdlena Sakaya for Kaliua Constituency in Tabora, Maftaha Nachuma for Mtwara urban, and former MP Mohamed Habib Mnyaa.
CUF’s National General Committee reached the decision Sunday night when it sat in Unguja, Zanzibar, to review the causes of chaos that erupted when the special meeting to elect—chairman, vice chairman ended in chaos fortnight ago in Dar es Salaam.
Prof Lipumba resigned last year few days before campaign for General Elections started after differing with his co-chairmen under coalition of four parties when picking ex-Prime Minister Edward Lowassa to run for presidency.
Those who have been suspended, according to statement issued today, would wait until they are called to the National General Committee to defend themselves.
Other who have been suspended with the ex-chairman, are Magdlena Sakaya an MP for Kaliua Constituency in Tabora, Maftaha Nachuma MP for Mtwara urban, former MP Mohamed Habib Mnyaa, Mussa Haji Kombo and Haroub Shamis.
Also among the suspension list are Kapasha M. Kapasha, Thoams Malima, Omar Mhina Masoud, Ashura Mustafa and Abdul Kambaya. The committee also revoked the membership of Shashu Lugeye, deputy general secretary for JUWACUF—the elder wing of the party.

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