
Monday, November 30, 2015

'Government all out to ensure collection all of its revenues'

The Prime Minister, Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa
 The Prime Minister, Majaliwa Kassim Majaliwa has said the fifth-phase government was determined to ensure that all revenues were collected and spent for the benefit of Tanzanians and not for individuals.
Majaliwa made the remarks yesterday at the ceremony of the 20th anniversary of Coast Diocese of the African Inland Church Tanzania (AICT) held at PTA hall, Mwalimu Nyerere Grounds in Dar es Salaam.
“The government has started working on plugging the loopholes that make the government lose its revenues as well as avoiding unnecessary spending of public funds,” the Premier said, adding: “Our aim is to ensure every shilling is collected in terms of revenue and be spent for the well-being of Tanzanians and not for few individuals.”
The PM said the government was determined to fight against all evils within the public cycles as well as addressing challenges facing the citizenry when it comes to accessing public services.
“There are people who think that we’re unable to fight the vices, I ask them to refrain from that thinking. There are people who think that this leadership is of polite people…I am asking them to get out of that thinking,” the PM said, amid applause from the church followers, who attended the celebrations that started on November 27, this year.
He appealed to Tanzanians to join hands in the fight against few individuals who want to benefit out of the country’s wealth.
“I ask all Tanzanians to pray for us so that we accomplish this tough task we’ve started. Our aim is to bring socio-economic development to all Tanzanians,” the PM said.
Majaliwa cited Proverbs 29:2 which says: 
When the righteous thrive, the people rejoice; when the wicked rule, the people groan."
“That’s why we ask for your prayers so that we as leaders should remain ethical and do justice…” he said, urging leaders of AICT to continue supporting the government by grooming ethical people, who can take the nation to the next level in terms of socio-economic development.
Earlier, the AICT Archbishop  Silas Kezakubi vowed that his church will continue to support the current government and President John Magufuli.
“As AICT, we believe that the firth-phase government is determined to serve Tanzanians and we’ll continue supporting all of your endeavours,” he said.
Bishop Charles Salalah of the Kibaha Diocese also pledged to collaborate with the government in all of its activities for the well-being of Tanzanians.

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