
Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Centum boss James Mworia appointed to NSE board

Money Markets
Centum CEO James Mworia. PHOTO | FILE
Centum Investment CEO James Mworia. The company more than doubled its bonus payouts to staff to Sh1 billion in the year ended March. PHOTO | FILE 
In Summary
  • “Mr Mworia has been appointed as a director of NSE with effect from September 16,” said the bourse in a statement. “Mr Mworia has received several awards…in recognition of his efforts and outstanding achievements as the group CEO of Centum.”

Centum Investments chief executive officer James Mworia has formally been appointed to the board of the Nairobi Securities Exchange (NSE) having been elected in June to replace Uchumi CEO Jonathan Ciano.
The NSE has announced that Mr Mworia, who has been the investment firm’s boss for the past seven years, joined its board as a non-executive director officially in mid-September.
Mr Mworia now forms part of an 11-member board that includes Eddy Njoroge (former KenGen managing director), Bob Karina (founder of Faida Investment Bank) and Jimnah Mbaru (Dyer & Blair Investment Bank chairman among others.
“Mr Mworia has been appointed as a director of NSE with effect from September 16,” said the bourse in a statement. “Mr Mworia has received several awards…in recognition of his efforts and outstanding achievements as the group CEO of Centum.”
Mr Mworia joins the NSE board on the back of Centum’s 160 per cent growth in annual net profit to Sh7.9 billion, helped mainly by a huge gain booked from the sale of its stake in insurance group UAP.

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