By Henry Mwangonde
In Summary
Tabora. Transport minister Samuel Sitta
yesterday asked for support to become Tanzania’s next president,
promising to rule for only five years – a period he termed as critical
for the country’s transition through turbulent times.
Announcing his bid for the ruling party’s ticket
for the October General Election, Mr Sitta said his desire was to lead
the country back on the right track following socio-economic tensions
that currently threaten its stability.
The minister said he was of the calibre of leaders
required to tackle the serious challenges facing the country in the
next few years owing to his extensive experience in government and
politics spanning over 40 years.
Mr Sitta, who was accompanied at the function by
his wife and former Cabinet minister Margaret Sitta, listed the threats
as the union between Tanganyika and Zanzibar, Political and religious
intolerance among Tanzanians, the growing gap between the rich and the
poor and youth unemployment.
“I want to lead this country during this difficult
time because I see myself as qualified to suit the profile of the type
of president needed to rescue the country from these threats,” said the
former speaker of the National Assembly.
He said his public service record speaks, having
served in all the four administrations starting with Mwalimu Nyerere’s
Mr Sitta told an estimated 2,000 people who
thronged Itetemia grounds, the homestead of Chief Fundikira – the head
of the Wanyanyembe clan in Tabora region – that he had what it takes to
bag CCM’S ticket for the presidency.
“In my opinion, I see the next five years as the
most challenging period in history whereby we are witnessing crime
increasing day by day therefore an experienced leader would save this
country”, he said.
His wife, Margaret, said she backed his bid because he has demonstrated humility and courage over the years as a public servant.
“My husband has been a committed public servant, a
good family leader and has shown integrity. As a political family, we
remain down to earth and did not use our privilege to enrich ourselves,”
said Ms Sitta.
Mr Sitta listed six priorities that he would put
into practice if given the chance by CCM, saying he would ensure he
strengthens the Tanganyika and Zanzibar Union, continue with the
constitution making process and fighting grand graft, among others.
Other priorities are strengthening the country’s
economy by giving room to the private sector to increase production and
creating an environment that would allow investments
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