
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Work:Life UK: We love our work – it's just we're doing too much of it

According to a recent ICM survey, 72% of UK workers enjoy their jobs, yet many are working longer hours for less reward. What keeps employees engaged at work – and what benefits can employers offer their staff to keep them motivated?
Businesswoman in office hallway
According to an ICM survey, the vast majority of the UK's employees enjoy working, even when they have to do so for longer and for less reward. Photograph: Getty Images/Radius Images
US journalist Jacki Cisneros, a truck driver from New Zealand and two Tesco staff from Suffolk: not perhaps the most obvious bedfellows, yet they have one thing in common. They've all won big on the lottery ($266m, $5.4m and £0.75m each), but rather than handing in their notice and retiring, they all decided to carry on working.

Surprising? Maybe not, when you really think about it. For despite the assumption that it would be "goodbye work, hello life" when a person's lucky numbers come up, research suggests not.
According to research this year by Scott Highhouse, psychology professor at Bowling Green State University, Ohio, two-thirds of Americans say they would carry on working if they won. In the UK, meanwhile, data from the National Lottery shows about one-third of winners who were working prior to winning big, decided to keep their jobs. Even if they do leave, some go back – such as 25-year-old Luke Pittard, who in 2008 won £1.3m, but within 18 months went back to flipping burgers at McDonald's for £5.85 an hour.
The fact is, we all moan about it, but most of us enjoy work. And we would still enjoy it even if we had enough money to not have to do it. According to an ICM survey commissioned by the Guardian on behalf of income protection provider Unum, the vast majority of the UK's employees enjoy working, even when they have to do so for longer and for less reward. According to the poll, 72% claim to be happy in their jobs and only 27% say it is unlikely they would be with their same employer in five years' time. Yet only 10% say they expect a promotion, one-in-five are working more hours than they did a year ago and 16% say their salary has been reduced.
"Engagement is never as simple as whether work is good or bad, or how much you're paid," says Sally Wilson, research fellow at the Institute for Employment Studies. "There is evidence that 'good' work, that which challenges individuals but does not place excessive stress on them, is an important part of a normal and healthy life."
Kevin Friery, clinical director at employee assistance provider Right Corecare, says: "One of the myths about work is that people are mostly motivated by money. If this were true, the current squeeze on pay would be accompanied by lower performance and engagement at work, yet the evidence suggests this is not what is happening." He believes people are just as motivated to do their jobs well because, in the absence of pay, work still (largely) provides a place where people can use their skills, judgment and expertise.
While the ICM survey finds that most of us enjoy our work (despite 18% saying their work-life balance has got worse), this doesn't mean employers have carte blanche to keep expecting more from employees. Experts believe staff are nearing a point where they will soon need some form of enhanced benefit as compensation for working longer and harder.
"Employees working under the shadow of possible redundancies are also likely to be experiencing higher levels of stress," says Wilson. "As a result, there is a risk that levels of sickness absence may rise."
Perhaps it is not surprising, therefore, that among the benefits staff most covet are those that protect against the unknown. Of the benefits they don't currently receive, 29% would most like health insurance and 19% income protection – possibly because one-third of respondents also say they fear long-term ill-health due to overworking.
Clearly, some business recognise and invest in the wellbeing of their staff. VSG, for example, which employs more than 5,000 security personnel, takes employee health seriously. "Most of our staff work shifts, so we've extended offering flexible working to all, and we'll agree requests for three or even four weeks' holiday if we know it will help boost their engagement and performance," explains HR director Simon Reeves.
Dame Carol Black's influential review of the working age population, Working for a Healthier Tomorrow, reinforces the link between work and health. She says: "For most people, their work is a key determinant of self-worth, family esteem, identity and standing in the community." But it is clearly up to employers to make sure they keep the right balance between stressing and stretching their staff, and ensuring that they are sufficiently rewarded for doing a job most would do even with a fortune in the bank

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