
Sunday, May 3, 2015

Mr President, put an end to casual way of doing things

President Kenyatta addresses a press conference at State House. FILE PHOTO | SALATON NJAU
President Kenyatta addresses a press conference at State House. FILE PHOTO | SALATON NJAU |  NATION MEDIA GROUP
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Your Excellency,
Most of us Kenyans have great respect for institutions and that is why we get so wounded when some of them seem not to work as we think they should to give us the results that are our right as citizens.
That is also the reason our confidence levels improve when the institutions that manage our socio-cultural, economic and political life do things right.
Now, you and the office you hold are a most important national institution. You are an institution that belongs to all of us whether one voted for you or not. You are the symbol of the Kenya we are.
The issue of safety and insecurity has been in the minds of a lot of us Kenyans in recent times and we have been embarrassed by the manner in which some of the institutions that are mandated to deal with these matters have been operating.
Our latest embarrassment is your own failed trip to the United States. It seems to us, observers, that the planners of that trip did put the institution of our Presidency under obvious serious threat of insecurity.
The understanding of most of us is that ordinarily every possible detail is taken into consideration in the planning of presidential travel. Quite obviously some details were left out this time round if what we are being told is the actual truth.
Who organised this whole fiasco anyway? Being a foreign trip, the Foreign Affairs ministry and the Cabinet secretary responsible must have been in the middle of it.
She is usually quite eloquent on issues but we have not heard from her so far. In matters security and safety, we saw both the outgoing and the incoming Chief of Defence Forces at the airport with you.
Which of them sanctioned the flight?
I saw a picture in the news of our Communications Cabinet Secretary and the former Prime Minister of Britain Tony Blair at the conference you should have attended. Mr Blair is advising you on some matters of governance and so on.
My big question is: Would this same man who is advising you have been put through this kind of embarrassment by the British civil service when he was Prime Minister?
This whole thing smells of a Kenyan way of doing things that is completely casual and which can easily provide an entry point to forces that do not mean well for us.
Thinking politically, some of your operatives Mr President are exposing your government to the Opposition and painting an ugly image of all of us.
If in fact the President of this country is exposed to unsafe circumstances whether willingly or otherwise, who else can expect to be safe?
Fr Wamugunda is dean of students, University of Nairobi;

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