
Saturday, May 2, 2015

‘I thought I would never marry again, but I found love at the age of 80’

Increasing numbers of older people are marrying or entering civil partnerships. Sarah Johnson hears two couples’ stories
Leslie, 85, met Barbara, 80, over a game of dominoes at a day centre. Photograph: Sarah Johnson/
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At 80 years of age, Barbara Baker never thought she’d find love again, let alone get married. She lost her husband of 45 years, the father of her five children, 19 years ago and had been living on her own since.
But in April last year she met Leslie, 85, over a game of dominoes at a day centre. She proposed to him three weeks later because the frequent taxi rides ferrying Leslie to and from her home were getting too expensive, and they married in August.
“How’s that for quick? I ain’t slow on the uptake,” she says with a twinkle in her eye. “I thought I would never marry again because I had a lot of children and marriage [wasn’t an option]. It’s hard to explain. I fell in love
Barbara and Leslie are part of a growing cohort of older adults who found love in later life. According to figures published by the Office for National Statistics, marriage in 2012 was up 5% – the highest total in any year since 2004 – and older men and women are leading the way, with the biggest leap in marriages among those aged between 65 and 70. The number of grooms in their late 60s increased by 35% (2011-12) to 3,520, and the number of brides of the same age rose by 21%, to 1,990. One in 10 had been single, two-thirds divorced, and the rest widowed before tying the knot.
It’s not just heterosexual couples that are saying “I do”, though. A total of 1,409 marriages were formed between same-sex couples between 29 March and 30 June 2014. Of these, 32 were between people aged over 65. And, from 2008 to 2012, there were 1,997 civil partnerships among the over-65s.
Roger Newman, 73, who lives in Margate, Kent, was in a similar situation to Barbara when he met Nigel Hurley, 60. Newman had been living alone for five years after his partner, Michael, died of an asbestos-related cancer in 2004.
“I never thought I’d meet someone,” he says. “I thought that after Michael died, that would be it and I’d be like so many other gay men that I knew who were widowed; I thought I’d just go on and on and on alone.”
When they met on a chatline, Hurley was going through a divorce and had started seeing men for the first time in his life. He says: “Seeing guys was always there in my head but I’d never acted on it because I was married. Then I met Roger and that was it. We clicked.”
Hurley proposed on New Year’s Eve in Gran Canaria where the couple spend Christmas each year. They had watched the fireworks on a rooftop and then gone to sit in a quiet bar.
“It was pretty unromantic really,” says Newman. “There was no on one knee or anything like that,” chips in Hurley. “It was just, you know, what do you think?”
At their civil partnership ceremony in March, the pair walked down the red carpeted aisle dressed in suits and rainbow ties to the Proclaimers’ Let’s Get Married.
They each wrote their own vows which, despite neither knowing what the other was going to write, echoed each other almost word for word. Afterwards, about 50 guests went back to their house and a neighbour set off a firework display in his garden.
Both couples are a great advert for marriage in later life, but Roger and Nigel’s path, in particular, has not been entirely smooth. Some of Hurley’s friends and family were shocked at his new relationship. He had been an evangelical church minister and since he left, people he thought were friends have not been in touch. “They don’t agree with divorce,” he says, “and then the gay thing – I’m virtually growing horns out the top of my head in their eyes.”
Roger and Nigel
When Nigel (left) and Roger started talking, Nigel was going through a divorce and had started seeing men for the first time in his life.
Newman adds: “No one comes to situations like this without a certain amount of struggle. What we’ve been through is a part of how things are and how they will be.”
Barbara Bloomfield, a Relate counsellor and author of The Mature Guide to Love, Relationships and Sex, recognises that family can also be a problem. Issues around inheritance and blended families can impede a relationship. Another factor preventing a happy marriage in later life is that older people can become set in their ways.
Despite that, though, she says the benefits to starting a relationship in later life far outweigh the risks. A report by Relate, Who Will Love Me When I’m 64? The Importance of Relationships in Later Life, says relationships promote good physical and mental health. Epidemiologists have documented a link between social isolation and an increased risk of death among older people. Good quality relationships have been shown to protect against a range of illnesses, from the common cold to cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
Newman says: “As human beings, we’re not meant to be alone. However much of a challenge it is to be with another person, our lives are richer because of it.”
He adds: “It’s worth it because you get a tremendous amount out of being with someone … As gay people, we are much more likely to be living alone than heterosexual people. It’s a big issue. I’m really grateful that I’ve got somebody. But we’ve had to work at it.”
Back at the Hanover retirement home where Barbara and Leslie live, meanwhile, the couple are tucking into tea and cake.
Barbara takes a long look at Leslie and says, “I wouldn’t be without you.”
“Pardon?” he replies.
“I wouldn’t be without you,” she repeats a bit louder.
“I’m too good.”
For them and the thousands of others who have formed new relationships in their later years, life has taken on a romantic glow. And, while numbers of marriages in later life may be small now, given that there will be 20 million over-65s by 2031, a sprinkling of confetti at this stage, may eventually turn into tonnes of the stuff relatively soon.

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