
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Local govt polls hang in balance

  PM says they depend on new constitution
Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda
Local government elections planned for October this year are likely to be postponed as they depend very much on the completion of the New Constitution, Prime Minister Mizengo Pinda said yesterday.

He told mayors for cities and municipals and chairmen of municipal and district councils that preparations for the elections are going on although holding them depends on the completion of the constitution making process.

“The holding of the local government election depends very much on the competition of New Constitution process.

We are continuing with the preparations – believing that they will be held as planned. We are still working on the policies and are allowing participation of other stakeholders,” the Premier said.

He was speaking to the local government leaders during a one-day meeting in Tanga yesterday. He was in the region for the local government celebrations, whose climax is being marked today.

The constitution making process has been dragging, and by April 28 this year, the Constituent Assembly having sat for some 70 days only managed to discuss two chapters – 1 and 6.

The members, used three quarters of the 70 days debating and disagreeing on a number of procedural issues including whether to use an open or secret ballot.
Also a good number of days were spent discussing the government structures - whether to have a one, two or three government structure.

After the initial 70 days expired on April 28 this year, President Jakaya Kikwete extended the assembly for 60 days expected to start in August this year.

The president stated that he would not allow another extension if the Constituent Assembly (CA) failed to finish the work within the extra 60 days.

But a number of opposition MPs who pulled out of the Constituent Assembly debating chamber over disagreements and formed a Coalition calling itself the Defenders of the People’s Constitution (Ukawa), have not yet agreed to return to the house, leaving little hope of getting the New Constitution any time soon. 

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