
Monday, June 30, 2014

Judges, magistrates accuse Uhuru of bias in appointments

President Uhuru Kenyatta addressing journalists at State House on June 25, 2014. PHOTO | EVANS HABIL
President Uhuru Kenyatta addressing journalists at State House on June 25, 2014. PHOTO | EVANS HABIL  
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Judges and magistrates have accused President Uhuru Kenyatta of discrimination in appointing only 11 judges out of a list of 25 recommended by the Judicial Service Commission.

The judicial officers, through their union, the Kenya Magistrates and Judges Association (KMJA), said that they were dismayed at the President's action, which they claimed had lowered their morale given that none of the new appointees was from their membership.
“We are concerned that none of the eleven appointees is a serving magistrate despite the fact that seven magistrates were among the list forwarded by the JSC. It is an act of discrimination to leave them out despite the experience they have in the judiciary,” said the association’s secretary Bryan Khaemba.
Mr Khaemba, who read the statement on behalf of the judges, added that it was unfair for the President to keep the fate of the 14 remaining names hanging when the JSC had done their part in conducting thorough interviews before settling on the names.
President Kenyatta, while making the appointment on Friday, said that he was still going through the list of the remaining 14 nominees and will either reject or approve their appointment once he is through with the process.
The association, however, said that the move was unnecessary since the executive was represented in the JSC through Attorney General Prof Githu Muigai who played an active role in the vetting of the new appointees.
“Given the fact that the nominations were made six months ago and the executive arm of the government was involved in the nomination process, one would expect that any adverse reports against any of the nominees would have been highlighted at that early stage,” said Khaemba.
President Kenyatta on Friday approved the appoin

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