
Monday, June 30, 2014

How brothers turned textile firm into multi-billion shilling bakery

Corporate News

From left: Keblest Limited directors Mayur Shah, Anju Shah and Jinit Shah at the company's factory in Thika. MARTIN MUKANGU 
In Summary
  • The brothers – now in their 60s – say unity of purpose is the bond that has kept the business steady and helped it grow over the decades even as its management changed through generations.

When media reports early this year revealed that baking firm Kenblest Limited was negotiating a Sh1 billion loan with KCB to finance expansion of its Thika-based operation, keen followers of Kenya’s dynamic business scene took in the news with some degree of disbelief.


As far as brand recognition goes, Kenblest is arguably among Kenya’s top – its popular bread (of the same name) having landed on nearly 80 per cent of the country’s breakfast tables. But then again it is just bread – one of the simplest consumer goods to make and the entry bar is not so high.
Yet the bread maker says growth has been steady in tandem with the continuing expansion of the middle class as well as the general population.
Anju Shah, one of the directors, says Kenblest plans to invest the money in its wheat and maize milling plant, raising its production capacity to 300 metric tonnes per day up from the current 200 metric tonnes.
The investment is also expected to generate 200 more jobs in addition to the 700 people already employed. At Kenblest’s base, the three brothers in charge of the operation have kept a modest demeanour about their entrepreneurial achievements.
“Out there it is not possible to really see what is behind these outcomes,” says Anju, the eldest of the trio that runs the business.
This is the product of a successful business succession in a company that was founded nearly eight decades ago when Kanji Ladha Shah established a textiles and general goods outfit targeting the small Indian population that operated clothing stores in Thika.
Located in one of the then little known corners of Thika, Shah Kanji Ladha Company has since walked through a series of transformations and management transitions to become one of Kenya’s most profitable companies with an annual turnover of Sh2.5 billion.
The series of transformations began in earnest in 1962 with the passing away of Kanji Ladha Shah who had long mentored his cousin, Hemraj Sura Shah, to take charge of the business.
As fate would have it, Hemraj also passed on two years later leaving the company in the hands of Mohanlal Dharamshi Shah, who had joined the business in 1950.
Dharamshi , now aged 83, is the chairman of Kenblest Limited – a company he runs with his three sons.
“It was under my father’s tenure as managing director that the business grew by the largest margin and diversified into many areas including food supplies,” said Mayur, another of the brothers. It was the diversification drive that in 1968 gave birth to Thika Household Suppliers – a manufacturing firm that supplied mainly foodstuff to government agencies, schools and hospitals.
Dharamshi introduced Anju, Jinit and Mayur to the supplies business in the 1960s , but only after they showed an interest in pursuing business as a lifetime career.
“He enrolled us in local primary and secondary schools so that we could join him in business and learn the ropes after school. We all attended Gatumaini Primary School in Makongeni, Thika, and later proceeded to Chania and Thika High Schools,” said Jinit.
Anju was the first of the trio to join the business in 1974 when it primarily dealt in corporate supplies. Four years later, Jinit joined after finishing college. Mayur was the last to get on board in 1981 after finishing a diploma in baking course. 
Thika Household Suppliers later opened a subsidiary, Anjim Fabrics, on Nairobi’s Biashara Street that dealt in bedsheets, blankets and khangas.

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