
Saturday, May 31, 2014

Uhuru, Ruto warned of Rift Valley revolt

President Uhuru Kenyatta shares a word with Deputy President William Ruto and Majority Leader in Parliament Aden Duale at JKIA before his departure for a three day State Visit to Qatar. Photo\PSCU
President Uhuru Kenyatta shares a word with Deputy President William Ruto and Majority Leader in Parliament Aden Duale. Rebellion against the Jubilee government is brewing in the Rift Valley, Bomet governor Isaac Ruto warned on Monday. Photo\PSCU 
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Rebellion against the Jubilee government is brewing in the Rift Valley, Bomet governor Isaac Ruto warned on Monday.

The county chief yesterday cautioned President Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto not to underrate the “boiling political heat” in the region.
Mr Ruto also sensationally claimed that some of the Deputy President’s allies are behind attempts to impeach governors in the Rift Valley.
“Our people are beginning to get tired. People are realising that this is a coalition between the DP and the President and not between parties... it is only a matter of time before things get out of hand,” the Bomet governor told the Nation.
He said that the region is asking legitimate questions, which the President and his Deputy are “arrogantly ignoring.” “When we ask questions about Kiplimo Rugut, we need clear answers. When the DP comes out and takes responsibility for his sacking, we are shocked,” Mr Ruto stated.
Mr Rugut, the director general of the National Youth Service was transferred and replaced by Dr Nelson Githinji, causing an uproar within the URP.
The Bomet governor told Mr Ruto to listen to the voice of the people and warned him that the region is unhappy with the Jubilee government.
The governor also accused Elgeyo Marakwet Senator Kipchumba Murkomen and his Kericho counterpart Charles Keter of masterminding the wave of impeachment motions against governors in the region.
“We have come to learn that the impeachment of Prof Paul Chepkwony was initiated by one of the senators,” he said, adding, the same senators are behind threats against Elgeyo Marakwet Governor Alex Tolgos and Baringo’s Benjamin Cheboi.
But Mr Murkomen denied he and Mr Keter are involved in the plots against the governors.
Alfred Keter
“It is an insult to the MCAs to claim they are being pushed. This is an indication that some of this governors have no respect for County Assemblies,” the senator said.
On Monday, Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter accused Jubilee of discriminating against Rift Valley civil servants.
‘‘We are being kicked out of plum jobs to make way for other people. We know Rugut was removed because of the planned Sh10 billion cash injection into the NYS,” he said.
The transfer has led to a bid by some Jubilee MPs led by Igembe’s Mithika Linturi to impeach Devolution Secretary Anne Waiguru who effected it.
But National Assembly Majority Leader Adan Duale dismissed this saying Ms Waiguru cannot be faulted for doing her job.
He criticised Nandi Hills MP Alfred Keter for leading an anti-Jubilee crusade in the Rift Valley.
He downplayed claims that the government was giving the URP wing of the Jubilee coalition, a raw deal in public appointments.
Mr Duale said that many other government officers were moved on the day Mr Rugut was transferred.
“We will transfer more. He (Keter) is a young man on the loose. Voters should get him and take him to church,” said Mr Duale.
He said besides representation of their people, MPs have oversight and legislative roles yet some legislators have only been concentrating on one role at the expense of the others.
Ms Waiguru, he said, is one of the best performers in the Cabinet.

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