
Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Keep campaign going on EFDs

Editorial Cartoon
Introduction of Electronic Fiscal Devices (EFDs) at the beginning of this year by the Tanzania Revenue Authority (TRA) has resulted into many protests from people conducting business in this country.

In some areas like Mbeya, Mwanza and Dar es Salaam the business persons went as far as resorting to closure of their shops for some days to protest the EFDs.
They listed a number of complaints, but the main point of contention among them is that the devices do not provide accurate information on the status of their businesses.

Others argue that with the current erratic power supply in the country the devices do not to work all the time because they depend on availability of electricity in order to function.

TRA offers the reminder that payment of tax is an obligation of all able bodied Tanzanians, business persons included, and there is no way the latter can be exempted from the exercise.

It then defends the EFDs, saying in fact, they make accurate assessments of the amount of trade transactions made by the business persons and therefore the correct tax they have to pay.

We all know, as much as the traders do, that payment of taxes is the obligation of every Tanzanian. We all know that taxes contribute to government coffers which it uses in making available social services such as education, health and infrastructure.

This is as clear to us all as day follows night. So, like everybody else in Tanzania, business persons have to pay tax. They know this and have no quarrel with it.

TRA says traders have been misled by false and inaccurate information on this. All is well and good that TRA has seen through the loophole used by those out to frustrate an otherwise positive initiative to improve not only collection, but fairness in the assessment of taxes. It is only fair that the authority move fast to control the damage, before it drags the country down. For without taxes the country’s economy will grind to a halt.

We take positive note of TRA’s campaign plan, having seen the need to ensure that misgivings about the gadgets are cleared.

Indeed it is in TRA’s best interest to launch the campaign in its endeavour for a more efficient tax collection method.

We think this is the right path to follow before things get out of hand. It is always proper to educate people, especially those who really matter, in this case the business persons.

There is a crucial lesson that all service providers have to learn. That continuous dialogue with consumers is a necessary evil to smooth the wheels of the relationship.

So TRA must always strive to know the dynamics of its customers and prepare itself to respond to any challenges they may face. It must keep building and repairing the relationship for best results.

Surely TRA knows well that a lot of the new technology the country is adopting has its challenges and that the best way to solve them is to mount continuous dissemination of relevant information.

We think TRA has the means to successfully execute the campaign, using newspapers, radio and television. 

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