Top New Year resolutions. PHOTO/FILE
Thursday marks the beginning of yet another year.
As is common, most of us make resolutions and set objectives and goals to meet in the New Year.
It might be good to consider working on your emotional intelligence in the coming year.
Well-honed emotional intelligence makes leadership easier.
It makes relationships more productive, promotes you to the next level and makes you positively visible.
When you work on your emotional intelligence, you pay attention to your self-awareness.
You seek to know and master your emotions, strengths and weaknesses.
You seek to find out what drives you; what is it that you value most in life?
pay more attention to your goals. When you pay attention to self
awareness, you become more confident and comfortable with yourself.
will be more realistic in self assessment in terms of what you can do
and what you may possibly need to look into in the future.
will be able to laugh at your failures and weakness and hunger, and
seek constructive criticism that will make you a better person.
When you work on your emotional intelligence, you master your disruptive feelings and impulses - for we all have them.
You build in a self-regulation mechanism that will stop you from succumbing to spontaneous destructive impulses.
You are less likely to abuse power and make such other unfair use of opportunities.
will be trustworthy and a person of integrity. You will be comfortable
with ambiguity and change. You are less likely to press your panic
button at every corner of uncertainty as is life.
will work on your drive and motivation, particularly being content with
achievement for its sake rather than the reward that will come with it.
That way your passion for what you do will be reignited, giving you immense energies and optimism against huge obstacles.
when purely driven by the reward, your energy will only be equivalent
to the anticipated reward and it, therefore, becomes very easy to falter
in times of difficulty limiting your capabilities.
When you work on your emotional intelligence you will be sensitive to other people’s feelings when making decisions.
is not to mean that you will be giving people what they want all the
time, particularly when it is not in the interest of the organisation,
but more of being sensitive to what is needed.
That way, you will be able to develop other people and keep good company around you.
will understand people from different backgrounds and socialisation
better. You will know that you are not the ideal example of everything,
even when you are the boss.
You will not leave your social skills behind.
You will seek to manage relationships to enable everyone move in the same direction.
That way, you will be effective in leading change, more persuasive, well networked and good at team building.
will set up alliances across otherwise unrelated groups of people, even
when you don’t exactly know what will come out of the relationships,
but preserving them for what they will be in the future.
You will remember as you do all this that it will not make things perfect.
There will be some occasions when you will fail miserably.
There will be people and circumstances that will defy all your logic.
yet you will be comfortable with that, in the knowledge that even the
most robustly researched scientific rules will always have an exception.
When you encounter your exceptions they will only become a new source of knowledge rather than a source of distress.
It might be a good idea to make 2014 a year of self improvement with lots of self deprecating humour.
way you learn fast and painlessly. For, there will be lots of fun a
long the way as you discover things you did not know about yourself.
Happy New Year
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