
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Stop abusing rights of house maids

By Innocent Ddamulira

Unpublished but heavily acceptable research indicates that about 85% of all families in towns do have house servants in the name of a house girl or house boy.

This is a trend that started way back when the woman started embracing work away from home and therefore needed someone to take care of children. Unfortunately, this person referred to as “house girl” has been subjected to all kinds of degrading and inhuman treatment at the watch of our cerebrated human rights assemblies.

The evils committed to today’s housemaid range from unconstitutional capital punishments, denial of descent foods and drinks to involuntary sexual encounters by both the employers and their relatives.

Other evils include excess work allocations, prohibition from professing their faith, and denial of payment when they are terminated summarily.

Last week in a very poorly reported story, a 12year old housemaid in Bukunda Rakai District was made to spend a night outside the house because she had apparently cooked bad food!!

All such evils are possible because most house maids are both young (below 18) and less educated to be empowered to an equal bargain with the employers. It is also true that most housemaids have no written contract of service and as such will only accept salaries as tokens and not as of right!

In my considered opinion this treatment is unacceptable in a country with progressive constitutional provisions in respect to a child. According to the Uganda children’s Act, child is anyone below the age 18 and article 34 of our constitution stipulates certain rights among others that a child has a right to be protected from all social and economic exploitation.

The children’s act also defines a child to be that person below the age of 18 and puts across conditions necessary to have such a person employed in any service. Such condition stipulates that No child shall be employed or engaged in any activity that may be harmful to his or her health, education or mental, physical or moral

This is not to opine that someone below the age of maturity cannot acquire employment but to put forward conditions mandatory to such relationship. A Wealth of instruments are clear on the general rights and specifically the rights of children and house maids are not exceptional.

Very precisely whoever is employing a servant must take into account the fact that; employing one in a position of a house main does not relinquish her rights guaranteed under our constitution and if that person so employed is below 18, they should be employed in accordance to the rules provide for under the employment act in relation to employment of minors.

If such is not adhered to, we will wake tomorrow morning and in public interest institute a suit which will end the era of house servants in our homes through a court order.

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