
Sunday, December 1, 2013

Doing daddy's degree and mummy's career

Doing daddy's degree and mummy's career
Some parents put their children under pressure because they want to live their unfulfilled dreams through them
Every parent wants the best for their children. Parents often help children to make the right choices in many aspects of life. But what happens when a parent decides what career path his or her child should take?

By Vivian Agaba
Solomon Opio, a young entrepreneur says when he was joining the university; his guardians insisted he study law. This was because he had scored 25 points in history, economics, geography and entrepreneurship.

“I could have chosen any course in the arts, but my guardians pressured me to study law,” Opio says. “I openly told them I was not interested in studying law. I wanted to study business instead.”

Today, Opio’s guardians are happy about his decision because he is a successful businessman.

“Since childhood, I have always admired successful business people. There was no way I would let my guardians’ pressure prevent me from achieving the dream of being self-employed,” Opio says.

But not everyone can afford to be as assertive. Besides, many youth are not sure what they want to do and easily bend to their parent’s pressure.
Brenda Kyomugisha, 22, a second year student of engineering, says her father imposed the course on her because he wants her to follow in his footsteps. Since childhood, her passion has been fashion and design and she believes that is where she can find fulfilment.

“I am going to study what my parents want, bring them the papers and pursue the career of my choice,” Kyomugisha says.

Expert view

Guston Byamugisha, a psychologist at Uganda Christian University, says children who have been pushed into doing a course or pursuing a career they are not interested in, have limited chances of succeeding both at school and in the professional world.

“Do not force a child to do a course they are not interested in. You are likely to regret this when the child does not succeed and puts the blame on you,” Byamugisha says.
“Sit down and listen to the child and find out why they are opposing the idea and reach an agreement."

He adds that parents should ask themselves whether the child has the potential to do what they want them to do.

Sotel Nabeta, the director of the management and development division at MTAC, says with a mismatch in the career, the productivity of such an individual is likely to be low.

“Motivating a person who is in a profession they did not choose is hard. Such people’s concentration at work is very low. They may not be as innovative as a person who likes their career,” Nabeta, who is also a career guidance coach, says.

Nabeta also says forcing a child into a profession is identity persecution. One is denied a chance to come into contact with the profession of their choice and people that share the same calling passionately.
Such a person’s potential in that field may never be tapped and developed. He advises parents to help children identify their unique potential and talents right from a tender age. They should find ways of how best to grow, protect and promote their potential.

“Some parents associate particular courses with failure. But every profession has got people with success stories,” Nabeta says.

Godfrey Kasaijja, 60, a parent says pushing a child into doing a course or pursuing a career against their will is wastage of time and resources.
“Such a child may drop the course or go ahead and graduate, but keep the documents and start afresh in pursuing the career of their choice. Time and money spent educating someone who will later change careers is a big waste,” Kasaijja says.

Why do some parents force their children down certain career paths?
Florence Nansubuga, sales personnel

Some parents want their children to follow in their footsteps. If a parent is paying your school fees and insists that you must study a course, you have to obey. I believe much as a parent wants a child to succeed in life; they should leave children to choose courses/careers they want.

Robert Mukungu
Such parents want the children to take on careers they associate with success, compared to careers where workers are paid peanuts. However, I believe such a decision is not right. If a child hates it and performs poorly at school or work, the child will always blame the parents for their failure in life.

Samuel Anguandia, security guard
Some courses are not marketable in the country and earn little pay. There is no parent who would want their child to become unemployed after studying. Parents choose courses which they believe are marketable and can help their child easily find a job.

Christine Drijaru
Some parents want children to take after them so that after school, a parent can work with the child or find a job for the child easily in the field where they already have connections.

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