A sign outside the headquarters of Samsung Electronics in Seoul. Lee Seo-Hyun, the second daughter of Samsung chairman Lee Kun-Hee, has been made a president at the firm’s de facto holding company. The move is the latest promotion in recent years of the three heirs of the founding family, which controls Samsung through a complex web of share cross-holdings in subsidiaries centred on Everland. PHOTO | FILE |JUNG YEON-JE

A sign outside the headquarters of Samsung Electronics in Seoul. Lee Seo-Hyun, the second daughter of Samsung chairman Lee Kun-Hee, has been made a president at the firm’s de facto holding company. The move is the latest promotion in recent years of the three heirs of the founding family, which controls Samsung through a complex web of share cross-holdings in subsidiaries centred on Everland. PHOTO | FILE |JUNG YEON-JE  AFP
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SEOUL, Monday
The second daughter of Samsung chairman Lee Kun-Hee has been made a president at the firm’s de facto holding company, it said today, to cement his family’s hold on the South Korean giant.
Lee Seo-Hyun will lead management planning at the Everland’s fashion business, Samsung said in a statement.

The 40-year-old was previously executive vice-president of Cheil Industries, which was the former fashion unit before it handed over operations to Everland.

Her older sister — Lee Boo-Jin — has been a president at Everland since 2010, overseeing business strategy, while their only brother, Lee Jae-Yong, was made vice-chairman of Samsung Electronics in 2012.

Lee Kun-Hee is chairman of the group’s flagship unit Samsung Electronics and de facto leader of the business empire.

The move is the latest promotion in recent years of the three heirs of the founding family, which controls Samsung through a complex web of share cross-holdings in subsidiaries centred on Everland.

There was no major reshuffle of top executives within Samsung Electronics.