
Saturday, November 30, 2013

Soda ash plant in Lake Natron gets major blow

Lake Natron
The proposed soda ash mining project at Lake Natron has suffered another major setback after a new scientific study shows that such an activity would “almost certainly” wipe out the Lesser Flamingo population. 

The study also shows that 90 per cent of the lake is an important habitat for the survival of flamingo.  Lesser Flamingos also breed occasionally when conditions are right and this is difficult to predict and monitor.

Conducted over the last eight months on behalf of the Tanzania's National Development Corporation, the study reveals that the breeding hotspots are to the north, eastern and southern lagoons of the lake. 

Unfortunately, the “resource” that NDC proposes to mine sits squarely over these hotspots. “After hatching, the chicks, accompanied by adults, criss-cross the lake in search of fresh water, which is available from the many springs that dot the lake fringes.

“Access to fresh water is critical because this removes excess soda from the feathers, which would otherwise cause death,” says Marc Baker of Ecological Initiatives in Arusha last week.  The study was accomplished by using , among other things, low-flying drone helicopter.

Lake Natron in northern Tanzania is the most important breeding site for Lesser Flamingos in the world.  Eastern Africa has between 1.5 and  2.5 million Lesser Flamingos --  representing 75 per cent of the global population -- and most of them are hatched at Lake Natron. 

Since 2006, the Government of Tanzania has maintained a keen interest in mining soda ash at Lake Natron.  However, local communities and  environmental lobby groups in Tanzania and beyond have cautioned against the move, citing serious environmental, ecological and socio-economic impacts.

 BirdLife International, the Lake Natron Consultative Group and the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds have led a campaign against the proposal.  Tata Chemical Industries of India which initially put forward the soda ash proposal withdrew in 2008.

A recent economic study showed soda ash mining would lead to economic losses of up to $492 million in 50 years while tourism and livelihoods support would provide benefits of up to $1.57 billion.

Lebaraka Laizer, a local resident of Lake Natron said: “The authorities have refused to listen to the voice of local communities, who object to soda ash mining.”
 “We rejected it because it will damage tourism and pastoralism which are our lifeline. It should not be allowed,” he added.

The new study further shows that earlier plans to mine soda ash using brine (concentrated salty water) is not workable since the lake comprises of a set of separate lagoons.

“Excavating the hard material during the dry season poses a serious challenge because it is difficult to tell when flamingos will breed,” Marc argues.

“Evidence has now converged … economic studies have shown soda ash mining is not a viable option. Ecology, hydrology and technical considerations now confirm the same,” said Ken Mwathe, Policy and Advocacy Programme Coordinator at BirdLife International.

“The Government of Tanzania should respect this evidence and drop soda ash mining,” he cautions.

In January this year, the media reported that six foreign firms placed bids to set up the controversial soda ash plant on the shores of Tanzania’s Lake Natron.

According to the National Development Corporation (NDC), the firms were seeking to set up the $500m factory to exploit a million metric tonnes of soda ash annually. Lake Natron and Engaruka areas, nearly 220km from Arusha, have reserves of at least 4.7 billion cubic litres of soda ash.

Lake Natron is the nesting ground for one-third of the world’s Lesser Flamingo population. It lies on the western side of the Serengeti ecosystem and has for years been proposed as a site for soda ash mining.

The plan was initially rejected on environmental grounds, but it has since resurfaced.

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