
Saturday, November 30, 2013

First African microfinance week to be held in Arusha next month

African Microfinance Transparency (AMT)
Tanzania will be hosting the first African microfinance week scheduled for next month in Arusha Region, organisers have said.

According to African Microfinance Transparency (AMT), one of the organisers, the forum slated for December 2nd to 6 will bring various stakeholders including members of Tanzania Microfinance Institutions (TAMFI), ministers, economists and high ranking officials.

The association said in a statement that the conference will be a good opportunity to reflect on the development of the sector as well as exchange information on microfinance practices in Africa.

According to the statement the theme for the event will be: “Regulation of the African Microfinance Sector: 20 Years on From a Practitioner’s Perspective.”

The African regional microfinance network associations comprises three major groups namely African microfinance network (AFMIN), AMT and Microfinance African Institutions network (MAIN) with the support of Appui Au Development Autonome (ADA-Luxemborg). This exciting project aims at becoming the pinnacle of annual African microfinance events organized by practitioners for practitioners.

High profile experts, researchers, specialists and practitioners will be selected to prepare papers on the general theme and proposed sub themes.
A scientific committee and experts group have been put in place to review and select the proposals.

Initially, the African Microfinance Week was conceived as a way to improve synergies between the regional networks and further increase efficiency of actions and resources by reducing the number of separate events that shared members must attend over the course of the year.

The latter half of the year is always busy in terms of the number of events organised within the microfinance sector around the globe and microfinance actors are heavily burdened with travel and time spent away from their institutions.
The regional African networks share a large number of members for whom they each organise an annual meeting of members.  

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