Ask yourself, what would happen to Tiger Woods or Rory McIlory if they practiced once every 5-10 years and had a lesson every 5 years. For sure you would not remember their names because they would have faded from the market.  If you have 50, 500 or 5000 employees, you should think about spending time and money developing their leadership and customer service skills with at least 3 new programs a year.

I personally play tennis but see a lot of golf on TV with the big earnings and the close scores. Tiger Woods has opened the doors for other great golfers and there were super star golfers that opened the doors for him.  They train constantly, even right before major events.
Top of your game

How many of these stars get there without practice and lessons every day and week. The top 3 golfers today are Tiger Woods from USA, Rory McIlroy from Northern Ireland and Adam Scott from Australia. They each make a lot of money and lead everyone in golf.  And the last thing these guys think about on the course is the money, they think about playing the best game of golf they have ever played.  The money to them is the by-product of being at the top of their game. The same holds true for tennis, snow skiing, soccer, football and other competitive sports.

As in all major sports, if you want to build a team of customer driven pros then you have to provide lots of lessons and customer service training. Hitting a little white ball should be so simple and so easy. Delivering great customer service should be so simple and so easy but just like the pros we tend to forget the basics.

We live in a competitive world. The best assets you have are high performing people. You need to recruit for the best and then spend money developing the entire team. I have been in the people development business for over 40 years. ( I do not look that old)  Most organizations are reluctant to build their people and most think about it every 5-10 years. I often get invited to speak to organizations and promote new ideas in customer training. In all instances I show new programs and opportunities that offer significant improvement in daily operations. I address the issues of helping employees move up in their career with constant training, which is central to performance improvement and should be the foundation for all businesses.

Get rid of the concept that there is a magic program you can dip your people in and they will be perfect for life. That will never  happen. Even the equipment you have to run your company from the warehouse to the computers on each desk, has scheduled maintenance. In an express delivery firm like DHL there is scheduled maintenance on trucks, airplanes and equipment When a truck reaches 3000 miles for the oil change it doesn't have the option to say I am too busy, too tired, want to wait until next year.

Every organization and employee is in customer service whether you like it or not. Is everyone in your organization customer driven and high performing? Is everyone working on all 8 cylinders or are willing to believe that OK service will keep us in the game?  Good service is nice but it will not create a brand built around the customer experience. Every employee has to deliver exceptional service every day with every customer.  We offer a program that allows you to play at the very top of your game--every time.

If you want to create a service culture you need to move away from the one shot programs every 5-10 years. Frankly, you need a new program for the TOTAL WORKFORCE at least every 4 months if you want results. You need to be willing to spend $50 - $120 per person per year to change attitudes and behaviors and develop superior customer service skills. SQI's buffet plan is very inexpensive and gives you 11 programs to choose from over 3 years. To learn more, click here.