
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Rising exports boost Uganda’s coffee output

  Rising exports boost Uganda’s coffee output
By Dorothy Nakaweesi
In Summary

Coffee production in Uganda continues to post positive signals due to increased production and rising export volumes.

An increase in coffee production as well as rising export volumes continue to position Uganda as a key producer both in Africa and globally.

Experts say that if the performance continues throughout the last quarter of the coffee calendar, Uganda might see itself jump into major coffee producing countries hence improving farmers’ living condition.

The 2012/13 global production is estimated to yield 144.6 million bags, a 7.8 per cent increase due to increased output from Africa, Asia, Oceania and South America.

According to available data Uganda has already taken a major leap the in coffee export.

According to the Uganda Coffee Development Authority, Uganda’s coffee continues to show signs of strong growth for both volumes and value.

A UCDA report shows that coffee exports in June - the ninth month of the coffee calendar, amounted to 361,146 kilogramme bags worth $42.77 million.

This comprised 284,050 bags ($ 32.16m) of Robusta and 77,096 bags ($ 10.61m) of Arabica.
Robusta increased by 31.54 per cent and 19.79 per cent in terms of volume and value respectively, while Arabica increased by 30.43 per cent in volume and by 4.46 per cent in value compared to the same period last year [2011/12].

On a year-on-year basis, coffee exports for the period (July 2012-June 2013) totalled 3.36 million bags worth $422 million, the report shows.

Experts say the concerted growth is likely to elevate Uganda to a production capacity of 4 million 60 kilogramme bags.

Uganda is ranked second as one of Africa’s leading coffee producer after Ethiopia.
The report further says coffee exports by type, and grade realised a price increase for each coffee grade during the month of June 2013.

Robusta accounted for 78.65 per cent of total exports, 0.14 per cent higher than what was realised in the same period last year, the report noted.

Average robusta price was $1.89 per kilogramme, four cents lower than the price in May 2013.

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