
Monday, May 27, 2013

Kimemia quizzed by MPs over Japan embassy scandal

Francis Kimemia was questioned over Tokyo embassy and JKIA projects scandals. FILE
Francis Kimemia was questioned over Tokyo embassy and JKIA projects scandals. FILE 
In Summary
  • MPs question Secretary to the Cabinet nominee over corruption allegations.

MPs on Monday grilled outgoing head of civil service and nominee of secretary to the Cabinet Francis Kimemia over corruption in the public service.

MPs, who attended a closed-door meeting but refused to be named for discussing matters before a closed House committee session, informed the Business Daily that the EACC questioned Mr Kimemia over the multi-billion-shilling Tokyo embassy scandal and the Kenya Airports Authority (KAA) tender for the construction of new JKIA terminal.

The Administration and National Security committee, chaired by Tiaty MP Asman Kamama, earlier interrogated the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission (EACC) chief executive officer Halakhe Waqo on a dossier it presented to the committee, opposing the nomination of Mr Kimemia as the first holder of the office of the secretary to the Cabinet.

The committee met the two officers separately before retreating to compile its report on Mr Kimemia, which will be tabled for approval or rejection by the House Tuesday afternoon.

It was not clear if he was quizzed on alleged personal involvement or as head of public service.
Mr Kimemia appeared before the team on Friday for vetting. He was recalled on Tuesday to address the issues raised by EACC.

“We have listened to both the EACC and Mr Kimemia and each have produced documents, which we are going to peruse before we make our final recommendation to the House. The EACC said its investigations were ongoing,” said the MP.

EACC wrote to Parliament last week asking MPs not to approve the outgoing head of public service’s nomination as secretary to President Uhuru Kenyatta Cabinet. The anti-graft body claims that Mr Kimemia had abused office and been involved in corruption.

On Friday, the MPs questioned Mr Kimemia’s integrity, alleged involvement in various corruption matters, allegations of political bias, favouritism and nepotism.

The committee put Mr Kimemia to his defence over his role in the 2013 presidential elections campaigns in which he was accused of favouring the Jubilee coalition, accusations he denied.

The EACC is investigating the purchase of Kenyan Embassy in Japan which cost the government an excess of Sh1.1 billion. The scandal, which shot into public limelight in 2009, incriminated Foreign Affairs permanent secretary Thuita Mwangi who has since been charged in court.

Ambassador Anthony Mwaniki Muchiri and Allan Mburu, former Kenyan embassy charge d’affairs, were also charged with abuse of office and accused of buying property through falsified documents from an individual valued at Sh1.1 billion, instead of buying from the Japanese government, which had offered a cheaper alternative.
EACC says investigations established that following the offer by the Japanese government, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a team to undertake valuation and the officers returned a valuation of Sh887 million.
However, during the visit by the officers the second interested party, Allan Mburu prevailed upon the team to inspect the property housing the chancery and ambassador’s residence.

In the construction of the $653 million (Sh56 billion) Jomo Kenyatta International Airport greenfield project, the anti-graft agency is investigating the cancellation of the tender for the construction of a new airport terminal by former Transport minister Amos Kimunya.

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