By Christian Gaya: Business Times: March 01,2013
entrepreneurial attitudes and understanding are an essential factor such that
people learn not to depend on current events, but to be capable of actively
managing their future. Apart from the economical point of view it is important
to keep the impact of young entrepreneurship for individuals in mind and the
personal fulfillment. It is a fact that young entrepreneurship competences and abilities
should really be able to change peoples’ lives by giving them a chance of
fulfillment at professional levels.
entrepreneurship involves creativity, innovation and risk taking, as well as
the ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. This
supports everyone in day-today life at home and in society, makes employees
more aware of the context of their work and better able to seize opportunities,
and provides a foundation for young entrepreneurs establishing a social or
commercial activity.”
as a developing country needs to foster young entrepreneurship-friendly culture
for growth and jobs. There is a necessity to emphasis the need to create an
overall positive entrepreneurial climate, and to strengthen respective
measures. The important role of education in promoting young entrepreneurial
attitudes should now be widely recognized by politicians and decision makers in
the country.
refers to an individual’s ability to turn ideas into action. It includes the
ability to plan and manage projects in order to achieve objectives. Young entrepreneurship
education should foster skills that form young entrepreneurial behaviour like
creativity, sense of initiative, risk acceptance, self-confidence, capacity to
work in a team, etc. In addition, specific business knowledge needs to be
taught, according to the level of education. Although numerous initiatives on young
entrepreneurship education are needed in the country, these are not always part
of a coherent framework.
young entrepreneurship should contribute to job creation and growth. And be
able to contribute to fostering social and economic cohesion for regions whose
development is lagging behind like Tanzania as a developing country.
Young entrepreneurship should be crucial to competitiveness and to be able
unlock personal potential of young Tanzanians. On one hand young entrepreneurs
achievements can provide societies with wealth, jobs and diversity of choice
for consumers. And on the other coin young entrepreneurship can play a positive
role in delivering health, education and welfare services efficiently. Hence, it needs a pro-active and young
entrepreneurial culture in our modern knowledge society.
order to succeed young entrepreneurship programmes and activities need to be integrated
into the national curricula, either as a horizontal element or as a subject in
its own right. In addition, schools should be given practical support both
materially and morally. Special attention needs to be dedicated to training the
teachers and to raising awareness among heads of schools and colleges as well
as universities. At higher education level, universities and technical
institutes should integrate young entrepreneurship across different subjects.
society as a whole needs to foster its young entrepreneurial drive more
effectively. In this context further and young and adult education should start
in gaining its importance. Not only is the significance of young entrepreneurship
widely recognized for economic growth and development, but also for the
individual. Young entrepreneurship should provide opportunities to enrich both
ones working careers and personal life.
importance of young entrepreneurship for economic growth and development should
now be widely recognized as well as its importance for competitiveness of
firms. Additionally to this young entrepreneurship should also provide
individuals the opportunity to enrich their working careers and increase
personal wealth.
the enterprise spirit should be the key to creating jobs and improving
competitiveness and economic growth throughout Tanzania. Although variables like
the number of new start-ups (rate of young entrepreneurship) or the
psychological attitudes of people towards self-employment (latent or potential young
entrepreneurship) may be influenced by a number of different factors, there is
certainly a cultural aspect that needs to be taken into account as previously
discussed and this is very crucial for young entrepreneurship development.
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