Friday, April 9, 2021

Employment strategies for startups

Here are a few employment strategies you should adopt as a startup.

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As a startup company, one of the tasks you should take seriously is recruitment, and this can be a bit

difficult, especially when you are just coming to the limelight and don’t have a structure yet. You should be sure of the type of people you want to join your team and to do this; you will need some strategies which we’ve summarised into: knowing your company’s mission, vision, values and the type of personalities you want to recruit.

To elaborate further, here are a few employment strategies you should adopt as a startup.

  1. Put your finances into consideration before hiring
    It would be best if you thought about your costs and benefits before recruiting as a startup. Some of the questions you must ask yourself are; “Do I need to employ other people for this role? Will I get ROI after recruiting for this role? How beneficial is this person’s skill going to be for my organisation, etc.” You don’t need a large number of employees for your company to function well, all you need is the right talents, and you are good to go.
  2. Try outsourcing
    For one-time or short term projects, you can always use freelancers or agencies to get the job done instead of employing new people. For instance, if you need to create content or advertise your company, you can always use advertisement agencies or get freelancers who are good at the job.
  3. Have a good employee benefits policy in place
    To attract the best talent that will be loyal to you, you need to put a good employee benefits policy in place. Some of the attractive benefits that will help you to attract suitable candidates include compensation, bonuses, pension plan, HMO and overtime pay, amongst others. These benefits will make you attract the best people in the field despite being new.
  4. Take time to know your candidates
    As a startup company, you should be sure to employ the right people because your organisation’s growth depends on it. You need to take time with your recruitment process and get to know your candidates by taking them through a series of tests. You should also have an interactive session with them to get to know them better. Having the best team is vital. Many startup companies, when asked what their success stories are, always mention their team or employees.
  5. Make use of recruitment agencies
    As a new company, you might not have the time to do your recruitment yourself, and this is where recruitment agencies come in. Since it is their job, recruitment agencies take their time to look out for candidates and get the exact talents you need to get your company moving. Recruitment agencies such as EjiCareers help startups to recruit the best talents in Nigeria and also offer consulting services.
  6. Don’t rush it!
    We understand that you want to get your business going as fast as possible, but you have to be patient, especially with the recruitment process, to achieve the best result. Give your company enough time to recruit and carefully headhunt the best people to join your team.
    While there have been existing companies doing exactly what you do, you can surpass them as a startup by being strategic about everything you do. One of the aspects you should be strategic about is your recruitment process. Being a startup, you might not have a recruitment team setup, and that’s where recruitment agencies come in. They help remove the stress of getting the right people and help you focus on other areas.


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