Friday, January 10, 2020

Top Female Candidate Drops Hints for Success

NATIONAL Form Four overall best female student, Joan Ritte, desires engineering profession, looking forward to contributing to the country's industrial economy.
A joyful Joan from St Francis Girls Secondary school in Mbeya Region revealed her desire to the...
'Daily News' yesterday, shortly after release of the Form Four National Examinations Results in which her school was ranked second in the list of top 10 best schools.
In a telephone interview, 17 years old Joan explained that she felt in love with science subjects --Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics on which she banks to take her where she wants in her career journey.
"I like science subjects, I want to become an engineer in future and this is to prove wrong a mindset that science subjects are for men... I want to become a catalyst for other girls behind me to believe that they can also pursue science courses," she vowed.
Revealing the inside story behind her success in the exams, Joan said she was born in a middle class family that closely followed up on her academic performance and ensured she used most of her time in studies and prayers.
"My parents recognised my ability and motivated me. They ensured I always did and completed my school homework," she noted.
She further attributed her achievement to discipline and cooperation that she had with her teachers and fellow students.
"Cooperation gave me peace of mind and prepared me well psychologically for studying," she explained.
Her school discipline teacher Neema Kimani said the management welcomed the results with a lot of joy since six out of top 10 female best students for this year came from their school.
The management believes that better teaching techniques and teachers' hard work were factors behind the exemplary school performance.
"We ensured that teachers completed the syllabus at a right time and there was strong cooperation between school and parents in bringing up the children," Ms Kimani told the 'Daily News'.
She advised other schools to embrace a culture of hard work in teaching the students and ensure the children grow up with a Godfearing attitude.
The 'Daily News' also spoke to officials of some other schools in the list of top 10 best schools in this year's Form Four Examinations, including Kemebos (Kagera), Feza Boys (Dar es Salaam), Canossa (Dar es Salaam), Anwarite Girls (Kilimanjaro), Precious Blood (Arusha), Marian Boys (Coast region), St Augustine Tagaste (Dar es Salaam), Maua Seminary (Kilimanjaro) and Musabe Boys (Mwanza).
Executive Director of the Feza Schools, Mr Ibrahim Yunus, cited students and teachers' efforts as the secret behind outstanding achievements whereby the school emerged second best.
"For us these results encourage us that we are on a right track in supporting the government's industrialisation drive because our students perform better in science subjects which are the backbone for industrial growth," he stated.
Head Master of the Canossa Secondary School, Sister Irene Nakamanya, said all 103 except one student scored Division One, the result which also surprised the management because some of them were sick when they sat for examinations.
She described the class as well disciplined and most of students used much of their time in studying and praying.

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