Sunday, February 12, 2017

Four drug suspects arrested in Kenya

A video grab of two of the four foreigners arrested in connection with drug trafficking in Kenya's coastal city of Mombasa on February 10, 2017. IMAGE | NATION MEDIA GROUP 
Police in Kenya's coastal city of Mombasa are holding four foreigners in connection with drug trafficking as the government intensifies the war on narcotics.
During the Friday night operation, police arrested two Seychelles nationals and two South Africans in the city's Nyali suburb.
A police officer said the two South Africans have been on their radar and they were in the country illegally.
They are accused of involvement in money laundering and drug trafficking.
The wanted list
Other suspects were on the wanted list of the National Drugs Enforcement Agency in Seychelles, police said.
Sources say the two foreigners from South Africa were linked to the Akashas, famed for their drugs trade.
A vehicle which had documents of the Akasha family was impounded during the raid.
Time for everything
The two had been staying at a Nyali hotel for three months without paying.
According to officials, they were planning to bring a shipment of madrax from India.
Authorities reiterate the fight on drugs will go on.
“We will hunt them down one by one. Let them know that there's time for everything,” said an official who spoke on condition of anonymity citing sensitivity of the natter

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